Monday, 11 November 2013

Enchantment Enhancement

Recapturing our childlike sense of wonder and awe at the marvels of life and the universe creates a magical quality. It connects our spirit to those things that capture and enrapture us. And it invites the universe to meet us. At that place of resonance, passion, innocence. A joyful unfolding, enfolding. That new pilgrimage beginning. Of freshness. And newness. Creating, trueness to you'ness. This is enchantment. A magical incantation. A delightful meditation.

Every day enchantment enhancement is a necessity. To remind us that we are here. To experience an epiphany. That God works brilliantly.

And it is only in hindsight that we often get that revelation. After we have trudged, and trialled, and resisted. The unfolding plan of our destiny, on track, with who I AM.

As Shakespeare said it.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

And it is that we owe to ourselves. To find what it is that is our rapture, enchantment, beauty and contentment. An inner moment that explodes into outer enjoyment. Our heart beat. And mind feat. Our sumptuous banquet of enchantment enhancement. And only you know what that is. Explore it. Indulge it. Give in to it. Cultivate it.

But what about my responsibilities, my duties, my fears and anxieties, I hear you say...Aha, that is precisely when we need to play. It calls for an emergency enrapturement. A joy rehydration. A funplay intervention invention. A deep immersion. A creative intrusion. And then, magic...attitudinally we shift. We see the wood for the trees. And deal with what is truly real, in front of us. Not the fears and anxieties, but the opportunities and enlighten-ings.

Tune in today. Don't wait. Breathe and say 'I feel great'.

'Right here. Right Now. It's terrific'.

'I am enjoying myself prolific'.

Energy shift. Enchantment Enhancement lift.

And to put Shakespeare another way. All the world's a stage. So play!

Joy and Rapture
Wonder Creature
Awesome Feature
Love to meetchya!

So Hum.

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

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