I attended the Hay House Author's Workshop in Sydney at the weekend. An exciting, energetic, and grounding event, of what it takes to be a writer and an author. Part of the formula they suggested is to be an avid reader. And to have a story to share that can be relevant to others. I listened to the shared stories of the life-changing books that are available, and the influence it is having on the lives of others. Their soul lights shining. A lovely selection and inspiring collection.
And I thought about my own reading life. And how I have selectively chosen books relevant to my own transition. And how we all move and change and work through each new reading and life phase.
Yesterday, I came across one of them. A book I once owned. M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie. I lent it to someone many years ago. It never came back. Long lost. Yet, at times, I yearned to have it. To revisit it. To read it and absorb it's message again. Curious about what peaked my interest in it.
And, of course, at the right time, a copy surfaced again. I had a look at it. Dipped into it. Found a passage or two that spoke to me in it. Closed it. And put it in a pile to give back away again.
That book. That moment when it was relevant. The life I led way back when. Has passed. No longer relevant. Just a curiosity of what I have been missing. Now gone. Irrelevant. Old element. Cleared away.
And I could completely let it go. With the exception of one important component...the statement
'God creates each soul differently, so that when all the mud is finally cleared away, His light will shine through it in a beautiful, colourful, totally new pattern. Keats described this world as 'the vale of soul-making'.'
It just so happens, that on that give away pile, is M. Scott Peck's first book, The Road Less Travelled, that I also removed from my shelf at the weekend. A pivotal book in the turning of my life, which led me into psychotherapy training. A book, for me, life changing. Leading me on a deeper spiritual path. Clearing the muddy puddles of my life.
The two books are back together again. Ready to move out.
And what has moved in? A pile of my own books. Somewhat different to the word depth books in which I was immersing myself. Featuring art and poetry. A simpler, deep, meaning. Colourful. New. Original. Heart Art.
New butterfly colours emerging. On a new road travelling. A new pattern revealing. On the true heart path.
May our soul patterns keep emerging like butterfly wings in the Sun as we each shine our divine true heart path life.
Details of my book now launching in Australia can be found at http://lovingpsyche.com/Products/Books/mandala-verse.html
Much love
SaraSwati Shakti
Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.
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