Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Gardens of Abundance

There is a Frangipani Tree. Outside my window. I saw it today, flowering away. I have never noticed it before. A favourite tree, and flowering, wanting for noticing, by me. And so lovely is she.

How stunning to see.

It made me ponder how sometimes it is hard to see what is actually, already, within our vicinity.

The beauty surrounding, so confounding, waiting, for noticing.

I have always wanted a Frandipani Tree in my own garden. Yet, this one, planted firmly in another, across the street, is ideal for me. It gives a better view from my wide open window than one from which my own garden would be.

My eyes now focussed on this one delight giving Frangipani Tree. Gorgeously Blooming. Whenever I need to see. That what I love and need is already here.

And that someone else's Garden of Abundance is also available to me. Being shared in the caring from across the street. Beautifying our collective surroundings. Marvellously and generously.

A reminder to appreciate the beauty surrounding. Opening, to see. What may have been missing. May already be here. In ourselves, in our friendships, and our neighbourly relationships. Being thankful for it. And building on it. Creating the Gardens of Abundance we need.

Much Love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.

Photo: Gardens of Abundance, Heart Art mandala couplings, by SaraSwati Shakti © 2015. Heart Art is a therapeutic service trademark of SaraSwati Shakti.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

True Love's Kiss

Pure love is like a beautiful flower with an irresistible fragrance ~ Amma (Mata Amitanandamayi)

A quote, a mandala drawing, and a movie I watched this week, converged to create a brief log this week. The movie was Maleficent with Angelina Jolie. A delightful, visually arresting piece, on the Sleeping Beauty fairytale myth. And the reminder of True Love's Kiss. What that is. Purifying what is most important in the whole scheme of things. The fragrance to life that that, with it, so potently brings.  

A pure and open, fragrant heart, given and received. Waking up.

Consider it for yourself as inner contemplation this week.

Much love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.

Heart Art mandala drawing Fragrant Heart by SaraSwati Shakti © 2015. Heart Art is a registered therapeutic service trademark of SaraSwati Shakti.

Thursday, 5 March 2015


It was with sadness that I completed a nine month program with Andrew Harvey last week, diving into the cauldron of Christian mysticism on a Christ Path intensive. It was riveting, both in Andrew's delivery, and the content compiled for the weekly sessions. I loved it. It moved in me and through me. I will miss it. Though I know it will have an impact for years to come.

This week the discussion included the statement that Christ consciousness is now being birthed most vigorously by woman. And I see it evidenced in communities everywhere. Big and small. Woman taking an active place in spiritual healing, awakening, and development. Because Spirit comes through the feminine, in both men and women as Christ consciousness. The heart, balanced with the masculine mind, both hemispheres connected. Grounded in the body. With purity and surety of loving intent. Heart and mind prepared to act, create and relate in a way that overcomes discontent. It is so gratifying to see it being embodied, increasingly individually, and in community building, toward wholesome being.

And with the Dalai Lama also stating that the world will be saved by western woman, the spiritual leadership by women is becoming acknowledged as more and more relevant and prevalent. Equalising and leading, with men, in places and on stages in communities locally, and worldwide. The power of the feminine heart to change, create, and transform in daily life, and on the world stage, at centre, is compelling.

International Women's Day corroborates in events leading up to and on this weekend. This year, on March 8, the theme is Make It Happen. Indeed the Christ Path, of Action. An opportunity to take further steps forward in heartfelt ways. Lovingly restoring and creating new political, social, and familial pathways. To keep contributing healthfully and restoratively in larger focussed doses, choosingly. In areas that transform lives with beauty, joy and passion, to raise vibration. And in areas that alarm, and break the heart, so as to repair despair and disharmony that no longer serves the planet. A range of ways to create balance, in a new age.

Men and Women joining in actions around the Globe in understanding. Of the importance of the health and welfare of woman in creating a better society. From creating art instalments in Sydney in corporate arenas, to wearing skirts in Turkey in protest against violence, exhibitions, conferences, workshops, and legislative considerations, are having a spiritual impact on psyches collectively. The breadth, depth and diversity is brilliant, and reflective of the enormous gifts they contribute.

I am spending time at an Open Day, at a Marist College on International Women's Day. Serving on an Italian CafĂ©. Marist, short form for Mary'ists, and Mother Mary as patron, is a school for boys my son attends. Behold Thy Mother, Jesus said, acknowledging the sacred feminine. The Marist motto, strong minds and gentle hearts, is a fitting validation of the Spiritual element of the masculine and feminine, connected.

And as a loving focus of my own for International Women's Day, a Make It Happen Prayer of Intent, for the Feminine, called Woman, for people everywhere.


May You Thrive
And Come Alive
To Your Precious HeartBodyMind
May You be Blessed
And Caressed
By a Graceful Tide
Of Beauty and Compassion
With Love by Your Side
To Birth and Co-Create
A Peaceful Loving Planet

Photo: Woman by SaraSwati Shakti © 2015. All rights reserved.

About the drawing: I drew it while on a trip for some recuperation and relaxation earlier in the year. I was facing the ocean, as she was emerging in the drawing. It dawned on me later that it has elements of the Empress, from the traditional tarot. My version of it. The quintessential matriarchal maternal figure is obvious in it. A primary symbol of fertility and the mother-goddess, and often depicted traditionally as the Christian Virgin Mary. How fitting.

Much Love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright ©2015. All rights reserved.