Friday, 25 September 2015

Puff and Stuff

In the last few weeks I have been reminded several times of a show from my childhood and wondering why it was presenting so regularly. H. R. PUFNSTUF. Do you know it?

I watched it again, but it gave me no real sense of what was needed. Until I listened, to the theme song that introduces it...

H.R. PUFNSTUF. Who's your friend when things get rough.

And in my own stream of thinking, it occurred to me that it was a theme presenting with a number of people I was seeing.  About the Puff, and Stuff, people get involved in that is getting in the way of their real life living, and decision-making.

Many of my clients have come to me after an event that has affected them. They may be feeling confused, misunderstood, at the end of their tether, or at a cross roads and unable to work through it.

Finding themselves in a situation that is not working smoothly.

And while they have many people and friends around them, no-one seems, to them, to be listening, to what they have been needing.

It can be a common story.

And often times, when I drill down into the story, it's a pattern that has been ongoing. And this time they are being presented with a new opportunity. To listen, authentically, and adequately, to themselves, and to become their own best friend.

In many ways it is easier to get caught in the Puff, and Stuff, of the world around. And to be captured by behaviours, attitudes and thoughts, than it is to really stop and listen to what's real and important, in the moment. And to do something about it.

I feel privileged to be in a position to do the listening, reflecting back, and assisting with better self-awareness, that consequently helps to build a kinder and more fulfilling self-relationship, and better decision-making.

Identifying where their private testimony and public persona are inconsistent, and finding that sweet spot in between. That place that works better for them. That place that is more authentically real as they are evolving. And building their own steam, of self esteem, as they are re-building.

I am what I am. Nothing more. Nothing Less. The middle ground between inflatedness and deflatedness.

Wonderful words that I memorised long ago. From recollection, by Robert A Johnson.

Those words remind me of that ideal place between the Puff and Stuff. Where things just flow. That place that defines what is most important, while travelling along the road.

When you have a moment. Meditate on it.

I am what I am. Nothing more. Nothing less. The middle ground between inflatedness and deflatedness.

And see what comes up. Listen, for what is authentically true in those words for you. And what Puff and Stuff is getting in the way of that for you.

Enjoy your friendships, and befriend yourself too.

Much Love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The Winds of Change

The Winds of Change. A poem I wrote three years ago. On a September day, when the winds blow wild, windy and warm.

Good days to spend some time, to go within, be silent, and set an intent, while you meditate, as the winds whirl around you.

And be mindful of what heartfelt world you wish to create, for you and those around you.

The Winds of Change are blowing
Maintain your inner knowing

The Angels are A'Rushing
Cleaning, Clearing, Flushing

Surrender to the Power
Where new things will take Flower

The seeds have all been planted
Just sow with glowing lantern

The fertile soil, God's Garden
You've asked, and it is Granted

Taking heartfelt actions along your way. Daily requirements in work, rest and play. As your life's journey awakes.

Changes can be challenging. Sometimes you don't quite know where life will take you. Your vision and the higher plan may not quite correlate, in the interim, and may, at times, astound you.

Nor can you always know for sure how the world will change you. And how you will change things around you. Yet, holding the intention of values that inspire you, can inform you, and create you. With cycle's turning, as your future progressively comes into view. A future that is purpose built for you.

May your life blossom and glow. As you Stay in the Know. Of Your Grow. While the Winds of Change softly Bellow.

Happy meditating. And Gardening.

Much love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Father Love Legacy

It has been a week of connecting to fatherhood, with Father's Day a key feature this weekend.

It's Father's Day, Early Spring
What seeds of life those men brought in!

Their children are sprouting all over the place
Spreading more blessings for the world's embrace

How important their guidance
  And their protection
Building the best
  Of paternal connection

Happy Father's Day all daddy's true
Your Legacy is in front of you.

It's a poem I wrote some time ago. And it came to mind again as I sat down to write this weekend. Thank you to daddy's true.

And contemplating on it again on many levels, two particulary stood out for me with events this year.

For families without fathers: Legacy Week this past week, highlighted, and raised the torch, for widows and children of fallen soldiers. An annual appeal, and a perpetual need. For me I am lucky, I still have my dad, and while I see him regularly, we spent time together especially, to celebrate him. For Legacy families theirs are no longer here. Supporting women to lead their growing families, in the absence of fathers who risked everything in the call of duty, continues their legacy.

For fathers looking for safety and hope for their families: The message was brought home so potently with the plight of refugees as they move across roads, borders and seas. Searching for a better future, and a safe haven for their families as their priority. My own dad was a refugee, and as I witnessed the stories on the news reels, I wondered what may have become of him and his future family, had he not found himself with my mother safely on the shores of Sydney. 

A moving week indeed. Knowing that in one instant, or through a series of events, everything can change for a family. And appreciating Father Love blessings.

Much Love

SaraSwati Shakti

Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.