The Winds of Change. A poem I wrote three years ago. On a September day, when the winds blow wild, windy and warm.
Good days to spend some time, to go within, be silent, and set an intent, while you meditate, as the winds whirl around you.
And be mindful of what heartfelt world you wish to create, for you and those around you.
The Winds of Change are blowing
Maintain your inner knowing
The Angels are A'Rushing
Cleaning, Clearing, Flushing
Surrender to the Power
Where new things will take Flower
The seeds have all been planted
Just sow with glowing lantern
The fertile soil, God's Garden
You've asked, and it is Granted
Taking heartfelt actions along your way. Daily requirements in work, rest and play. As your life's journey awakes.
Changes can be challenging. Sometimes you don't quite know where life will take you. Your vision and the higher plan may not quite correlate, in the interim, and may, at times, astound you.
Nor can you always know for sure how the world will change you. And how you will change things around you. Yet, holding the intention of values that inspire you, can inform you, and create you. With cycle's turning, as your future progressively comes into view. A future that is purpose built for you.
May your life blossom and glow. As you Stay in the Know. Of Your Grow. While the Winds of Change softly Bellow.
Happy meditating. And Gardening.
Much love
SaraSwati Shakti
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