She is out. In her full magnificence. I watched her while on my evening walk. Rising. Rising. To the fore.
I am now looking at her again. From my window. While I write. The marvellous, bulbous, curvaceous, moon. In full glowing bloom.
As I contemplate. About the last week. Of peaks. And quantum leaps.
For me, I launched my new website quickly. You are welcome to have a look see.
My book Heart Art mandala'verse became available globally. A project that has been patiently waiting to come to the fore.
I was interviewed on international radio. A first opportunity, to talk about the story of it.
I shared sacred embrace, and space, with Andrew Harvey, Sacred Activist, while he was in Sydney.
And witnessed many other synchronicities. Of being in the right time and place, wandering in wonder, connecting with one another.
Just as the moon was building to her peak. So too, down here... With the heart mind focussing. Shifting.
And now, it will be time for receding energy. And stabilizing..
To take stock. Regroup. Focus with slower simplicity.
How wise the moon to teach us this.
The perennial expansion and contraction in physics.
Peaking. And Releasing.
The universal law, of grow and slow. Openings and closings. Sliding doors.
And it is here, now, that I find, a new solid ground. An open window. And a moonlight glow. Wondering on wander steps. And feeling. Contentedness. The simple finding, of momentary blessedness, lasting.
Happy full moon peak bloom. May you too give her room. And contemplate. On what you hold blessed, while she is at her shining best.
SaraSwati Shakti
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